Thursday, December 22, 2005

Tuition meeting

Yesterday was the daycare tuition meeting. The tuition for daycare went up 5% this year (as it pretty much does every year) and suddenly there was anarchy among parents. DH called me in the beginning of the flying parents e-mails and asked if we should get involved. I said "no way" because even if we did, I've been with this daycare for 5 years and they weren't going to change anything anyway.

So yesterday because of all the e-mails going around, Stacey Gibson, the woman that heads up the daycare centers came down to LV and Hopewell to address the parents. Stacey is from NY and has pretty much this attitude...... if you don't like it, don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out..... go find some place else to put your kids.

So I went to the meeting yesterday for the shits and giggles of it all and after all the bitching there were like 15 people in the room and I don't know how many on the phone. It was pretty much Stacey saying, this is what it is and this is what I had to do to keep my budget flat and so be it. She had some flip charts of different companies (J&J, Wyeth, etc) and it seems that from a preschool and Kindergarten standpoint, BMS pays the highest tuition. Then I came back to work and being the nosey person I am, I called into the Hopewell meeting to listen to them bitch. They're the ones that were bitching loudest in the first place so I thought their meeting would be more interesting. From what someone said in the room there were like 40 people in the room and the phone was beeping like crazy. There were a lot of people on the phone. Their meeting went pretty much the same as ours with the same questions and Stacey answering them the same way....... if you don't like it, there's the door.


At 8:56 PM, Blogger jeanne_bean said...

That's really clever of them to hold the meeting right before the holidays. I'm sure that scheduling wasn't an accident.

Damn, wish I could've been a fly on the wall for this meeting....

Happy Hanukkah and Merry Christmas!


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