Tuesday, December 13, 2005


I can remember when I was a kid and my parents left me with a babysitter to go to my parent/teacher conferences. That was always the worst day. It was never IF I'd get it trouble, it was always HOW MUCH trouble would I be in. I was glad that the conferences were at night cause I could pretend I was sleeping when they got home. They knew I was pretending and if the report from the teacher was bad enough, they'd wake me up. I was never a good student. Maybe at first I was.

So now I'm on the other side and I had Ryan's first "real" parent/teacher conference for Kindergarten. His teachers showed me his work and all the stuff they assessed him on. They both said he did really well. He loves math and is a really great artist and I should look into art classes. [Yeah, we'll fit that in between soccer, basketball and baseball which he really loves]. He has great social skills and him and his friend Rikhin are pretty inseparable.

The only negative thing they said was that he has a lot to say but he needs to work on raising his hand before he says it instead of calling out.

So all in all he's doing good. Let's hope it stays that way. :-/


At 7:29 PM, Blogger jeanne_bean said...

Nice words from Diantha?! Wow!

B has a sheet that is sent home every night for each six week marking period. If she's good she gets a stamp in that day's box. If she's bad, her teacher writes a note explaining the problem in the box. She's had 3 notes this 6 weeks, the most recent one today. Twice were for not staying on task and doing her work (today and the first one), and the other was for not listening in the lunch room and going under the table after being told not to. Ugh!! I can only imagine how bad her conference would have been there.

At 7:30 PM, Blogger jeanne_bean said...

Oh, and Way to go R!!!


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